Wednesday, March 24, 2010


My drunk-at-a-party-doppelganger. Courtesy of Dave Meinert. Photoshop genius.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

Hello halloween

I love this photo so damn much.

Thank goodness I have a camera phone.

Look at all these lovely things I discovered on my phone! Good thing I have it on me all the time. Sausage dog doorstops, animals all in a line, dogs that look like ewoks, dangerous ninja killings weapons, a bat eared fox., trolley racing, a fake neanderthal willy, a tekken fighter girl.....

Poles. And Pillars. (etc)

I went to Australia a few years ago, and for some reason came back with a lot of pictures of poles.


They never get old. I wish I had my own one in my house.

The daily tache

It's an ongoing project...

Halt! Hammerzeit!

Could anything be funnier?